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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Tenth Meeting Questions

Cite one experience wherein you have experienced negative peer pressure.

Well, I experience my negative peer pressure when my friends want them to take an alcoholic drinks. I use to do that because that is my birthday when I was start drinking alcoholic beverages,when i used that one, I feel so bothered because I didn't know that I have an allergy to take an alcoholic drinking this is the worst things I've ever do because my temptation was lost that day.I promise to myself that I will not drink alcoholic beverages anymore but someone tried to convince me to take that things.When the time is gone my mother was very disappointed to me because she knew that I'am taking an alcoholic drinks. She was afraid to me because she said that both father side and mother side have an disease when you are taking alcoholic drinks,so mostly my friends will not convince me anymore to take that things because of my mother approach my friends to don't do that things.

How did you react to it? Why?

I was very shocked because when I drunk too much alcohol I have a red spot in my whole body and in my face too.So I stop drinking alcohol beverages for my own sake and to maintain my good health.

How did you feel about your reaction/decision?

I feel comfortable with my decision because no one will convince me to take that thingd so they respect my privacy to avoid drinking alcohol drinks. And I decided that if somebody who convince me to take that things, I will not tolerate as his/her friends because this is my final decision to maintain my good health.

What have you learned/realized from your experience?

I've learned on this topic that if you are taking an alcoholic beverages there's a possibility to affect your good health so I realized to avoid on this things to make your life successful and a lot of happiness in your heart and mind.Because this is not the way to forget some problems that you ever take only FAITH and PRAY will save you for the worst things.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Cool Slideshows!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Eighth Meeting Questions

What challenge did you take?

I challenge myself to admit mistake because we all know that everyone who lives in this world have their own mistakes and I learned on this is to prove myself that I'm not a perfect people because every mistakes you've done it is acceptable to our God. Admit your mistake to improve it to become successful in your life, because I believed in sayings that " LEARN FOR YOUR MISTAKES" and " MISTAKE IS A MISTAKE" this sayings show you that you are responsible to do your best,it is better to make it good in what way you do so don't be worried because mistake can learn a lot of things that we do to prove that you are facing your being an honest person and admit also your mistakes.Because I believe that Truth will set you Free!!!!!!!!!!!!

Were you able to do the challenge? How do you feel about it?

Yes, I'll do the challenge to know the mistakes I have done before. When I was admitted my mistakes I feel so lucky and comfortable in my life because it can help me a lot of things to prove my mistake, so you can learn in this to change your attitude. If you are not admitted your mistakes it can be bothered you at all times so learn for your experience in the past and face the future of your life to make it successful.

What have you realized/learned from your experience?

I realized in this topic that no one can't admit their own mistakes because everyone have their own mistakes and I learned in this experience is to LEARN FOR YOUR OWN MISTAKES because there's nothing wrong to try it so, TRY AND TRY UNTIL YOU SUCCEED and don't worried about it because some mistakes are acceptable.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Seventh Meeting Question

Review the results of your personal health assessment and write your realizations and plans about your health in your journal.

Well,at the result of my personal health I got 29-35 score and I'm proud that I got a goodscore because it will reflects into your self and what you are doing about your physical health.It will help me to maintain my good health and become energetic everyday because exercise helps me a lot of things to maintain my body resistance.If you want a good healthlike me,avoid taking cigarette and too much alcoholic drinks because it can't help our personal health so taking care with our good health because this will be symbolize to have a good health.Exercise is the best way to maintain yourself and the purpose of this is to give you an energy to lived the world's happy and secure.And I realize that our health is important to us because this can give you a full resistance to your body so don't ignore our health and my plan to my personal health is to take an exercise everyday and eat some nutritious foods like vegetables.In this case,you may know the importance of health and how to become fit.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Sixth Meeting Questions

A. What challenge did you take?

- I challenge myself to get a high grades in long examination.

B. Were you able to beat the challenge? How do you feel about it?

- I'm so proud because I get a high grades in Logic but I'm failed the first long examination in English so I will challenge again myself to got a higher grades in my failed subject.

C. What have you realized / learned from your experience?

- I realize that being a hard working students gaces you a higher grades because nothing is impossible in God so try your best because this is not the end of your life but it is the beginning to face your college life and reviewing my lesson also gaves me a best grades in any subject.

"An Inconvenient Truth"

The Most striking scene in the movie

- The most striking scene in the movie would be the slides that Al Gore had made. The slides which are the effects of the Global warming.

Your feelings and emotions while watching the movie

- I become aware of using some high technology machines which can cause too much carbon emission.And that movie was a very shocking story.

Your realization after watching the movie

- I realized that the results that was caused by the Global warming is worldwide. And its all because of us,because somebody used high technology machines.

The specific actions you can commit to take care of the environment

- The specific actions that I can commit to take care of the environment are changing the light bulb into a fluorescent light; drive less; recycle more and buy more recycled products; checking my tires; using less hot water; avoiding products with a lot of packaging;avoid using high technology machines; planting a tree; and by turn off electrical device when not in use.And do not breaking the trees in the forest because it can helps us to take care the environment.

Fifth Meeting Question

"The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished."

The most challenging thing I have ever accomplished might be losing my stage pride. I am a type of person who is very shy to front of many people but sometimes talkative.I have the self confidence to face many people because I want to have a new friends and new Barkada but when I was fourth year high school, I am assigned by my teacher to be a mascot for our Nutrition Month.Having her trust on me, I just wearing my costume and I'm started to ramp my chosen fruits and that is "MAIS" I introduced myself and start modelling at the front of the judges and audiences actually its really heavy because of my physical body I do that things because I saw my crush at the campus and how could I forget when I become a 2nd runner up in the costume parade I am very proud to myself because without my self confidence I wouldn't won contest and I'm also proud because my teacher gave me plus 3 in my card,that day I can't sleep because I cannot believing that I won the competiton eventhough I am transferee's student a lot of voices I heard in that competition "GO MELVIN GO!.That word give me a chance to prove to all the students there that I have an extraordinary talent(HEHEHE YABANG HIHIHI)my classmates were there to encourage me to join that contest,without them I shouldn't know my inner talents(nyahahaha).My God, classmates, teachers and loved-one are my inspiration because I do all my best to won that contest and to know me at the campus this is the most challenging thing that I ever Accomplished.And I said to myself "My God,My Savior and My Protector Mission Accomplished."

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Fourth Meeting Questions

Looking back at the list of your positive characteristics and qualities, what do you feel and realize about it?

Some of my positive characteristics are being Respectfulness,Godliness,Lovable,Kind,Friendly,Flexible and Sincere because being friendly person helps me to meet new people and form a friendship with them because I want them to be my shoulder in my problems and its truly that "No man is an island".And being respectful person you will respect his/her own privacy to respect what you are.The Golden Rule says "Do unto others as you would have others than unto you."Therefore, I need someone that I can call my friend,is someone who didn't back fighter and "plastik".And also being a Godliness is the one of my positive charecteristics without this I shouldn't know the importance of all traits that i have because God gave our lives He also gave us a strength to solve what kind of problems you have.I am also flexible type of person because I can be a ballerina if you want (hehehhe yabang) actually I am the group leader because I can teach my member how to be a flexible person not only in the gymnast but also in good person. I can easily get along with someone like hanging up with my friends even we're just starting our beautiful friendship.So I believe that each of us has own imperfections, because we can't deny the fact that "no body's perfect".So I will have to accept and understand each one's mistake and weaknesses not to ignore them so that they'll accept and understand me as I am. And the last characteristic that I have mentioned is my sincerity. I am sincere in the things that I have to like in God, family, studies, friends, and love.

A. Given the following situations, how would you like to be treated by your teachers and schoolmates:

When you have given wrong answers to the questions during the recitation.

- I hope they will just say that, "It's okay, because everyone is entitled to make a mistake.Like the saying that Practice makes Perfect so don't be afraid if your answer is wrong because it will consider as a correct.

When you are expressing your opinion during class or group discussion.

- I hope they will respect my opinion or my ideas in group discussion.

When you are giving suggestions during your group work or presentation.

- I hope they will accept my suggestions not to ignore it because it can help me a lot of informations.

When you commit a mistake.

- I hope they will forgive me and understand because everyone has commiting a mistake and I believe that I am not a perfect person who should no mistakes in his/her life.

When you don't like doing what they ask you to do.

- I hope that they will understand and accept my reasons why I am not doing the thing that they ask me to do.Or kindly said, give us some informations.

When they want to give you their comments or suggestion.

- I hope they will say it in private and with a good manner.

B. Considering the given ideas on how to treat others with respect, what can you commit to yourself in terms dealing with MCL community: teachers, students, employees, security, maintenance/janitors and canteen personnel?

I will respect each of them at all times and I will avoid a conflicts dealing with the whole MCL community,because this can be reflect into your side on how you respect them.

Third Meeting Questions

Remarks for the MCL Administrations

I've notice that the programme is well organized. And the security of each student was assured. They make sure that only the MALAYAN students can attend the Freshmen Night and no outsider allowed just to secure each student safety. And Sir DC informed us that even the students from MAPUA Intramuros was not allowed to come. The MCL Administrators made that night being special to everyone because this is a unforgettable moment to each and everyone. They bring us three bands namely;the callalily,mom's cake and chicosci. And not only that, they gave a shirt and a planner for each student.And they give also a free drinks.

Write a reflection about one of your significant classroom experiences during the past few days at MCL.

The most significant classroom experience in MCL might be my first day.It was June 18, 2007 in the room 204.It was memorable because I came there late and a little bit shy with my classmate from SREI.But the one thing for sure he makes me more memorable because of my teacher namel;Sir.DC because He is my favorite teacher in all my teachers!Because during the orientation, I found him very strict but funny yet serious in the things that he should be.He also have some similarities of Ketchup Eusebio when i met him first in the orientation. And before I came in the school, I am hoping that he will be one of my teacher and GOD granted my wish I'm very happy to saw him again so my first day became brighter and memorable to me also because of I met new people and a lot of crushes. And my classmates were all approachable and friendly.Even all my professors were all kind.So my first day become successful and peaceful day that makes my heart happy.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Second Meeting Questions

How was my first week of stay at MCL?

My first week of stay at MCL was a little bit shy because I do not know the names of my new classmates but I see the right guy for me" that's my ideal guy" L.A is the nickname of my future crush because when i saw him I finally starstruck for him because i like his personality.I like the way he smile at me,blinking of eyes is one that i can do to give my attention to him.Actually a lot crushes i saw at the campus so i feel so wonderful and beautiful that day because I'm only gay having an X-factor at the campus(hehehehhe).I came early at the school and how could i ever forget the first day when I'm entered MCL was I'm wearing Ladies pants,shirt and shoes.When I'm introduced myself to my classmate,I'm feel nervous because I'm shy to face my classmates because I don't know if they will accept me as his classmate not to diminish.Somebody called me that I have a similarities of Iwa Moto and Kim Chui and my professor call me if what nickname will they calle me,so i said just call me J-lee a girly name with a long story of my life(hehehhe).At the cafeteria somebody judge myself,he said that there's a lot of gays at the campus(hahahha).He was funny when he said at to me and I said it to him face to face " if you want broadway fight i will give it to you" (tapang hehehhe).And when I'm leaving the campus a lot of cute guys i saw at the school bus ( jet and dizon),then my classmate Toti told me that he saw me at the Ampitheater at Sta.Rosa who dance a dirty dancing with MASCULADOS,actually that day I'm so desperate because my loved-one broke me(ouch it hurts):(! At the second day that was no classes because it's holiday.And the next day i have a lot of friends i knew and a lot,lot of crushes i saw at the campus.That day I'm so ashame to face my classmate again because i knew some of them will diminished me but I'm wrong because my classmates treat me as who I am.On Thursday my professor called my name at the english time,deep inside i hate english because i can't know how to speak a fluent english with a correct grammar but I said to myself that there's no problem to spoke in english just practice your mind and tongue you must be perfect the grammar and the pronounciation you said.On the next day I lost my being shameful because at the front of my classmate in P.E,I decided to change my name in that period and i said that you can call me "SAKURA".When i met my classmates that time my heart inlove again with someone else.Actually the room is very cold and it's so clean.Overall I'm proud to be a student of MCL because they teaches us to be an EXCELLENCE AND PROFESSIONAL WITH VIRTUE!!!!!!!!!!!

How would you like your first year in college?What specifically you have to do to achieve these desires?

I like my first year college because this is the time to face my responsibilities and to have a lot of discipline and to change my being a childish person to be a matured person.Of course I will become a hard working student to achieve my desires because this is not a joke to pursue my dreams and it will helps me a lot of things so I wanted this first year life to help me to adjust to the new face of my life because this is the time to prove myself that I can learn more things to achieve my desires and having a faith in GOD also help me to inspire what I will doing because the show must go on so you will strive a lot of things.

First Meeting Questions

How does Values Education work to your advantage?

Values Education is important to everyone who lives in our world because it is a gift of our Lord Jesus Christ without this kind of attitude some of the people become "rude" so somebody will no longer like you.It teaches us to act and to know all good things that we can do in our daily lives.Values Education is not only teaches a good moral but also gaves a wonderful and succeeding life without this you will not know the importance of any values that you may express to someone else.This kind of course teaches to us to know about the God's Word.Everytime you communicate to each other you may show your values to impress your communicators.That's why the Values is important to us.

After you have processed your first few experiences at MCL, in what way this will help you achieve successful adjustment in college?

It will help me a lot of things like how to wake up early and how to make a good grade to pursue my goal in my life.And i know that is a challenge for me to face my college life and i will do my best to achieve my goals.It also inspire me to work hard in my studies because it can help me in every aspects in my life.Only discipline,hard working and faith in God will gave u better achievement to your success.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Behind my smile there's a hidden problem comes to my mind!

Good day to each and everyone!Well I'm Melvin P. Velandrez but you can call me J-lee or Sakura,17 years of age and I'm currently residing at Brgy.Sinalhan City of Sta.Rosa Laguna and I'm the youngest and beautiful son of Mr.&Mrs.Velandrez.I'm taking up Bachelor of Science in Accountancy temporarily,because my preferred course or a program will be soon to open next year and that is Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management.When I fall in love, I really give almost everything. Share what I got and spend it with my loved one. I'm searching for my real soulmate who will deserve what I got and what I have. I'm not seeking for someone yet I believe love will find me. Time runs so fast so I will focus myself on work, work and work.I'm very gifted intellectually, I'm thankful that I'm blessed with a mind power that keeps myself intact with mah environment. In short, my sensitivity is high so I know when and where to let go. I know how to control others and bring their minds in extra ordinary way. Lemme try it to yourself and you'll know lol.Some heartaches of the past taught me on how to move on and live for the better. Before, I'm afraid to lose someone because I taught that someone is really for me. I planned everything just to win back our love, but it didn't. I should have known better and accept that we're not meant to be. I'm still willing to wait for you even I believe that you don't love me and you hate me. You know who you are babe, I'm all yours, please forgive me. Don't go, I'll stay with you forever. You know how much I love you.

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