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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Fourth Meeting Questions

Looking back at the list of your positive characteristics and qualities, what do you feel and realize about it?

Some of my positive characteristics are being Respectfulness,Godliness,Lovable,Kind,Friendly,Flexible and Sincere because being friendly person helps me to meet new people and form a friendship with them because I want them to be my shoulder in my problems and its truly that "No man is an island".And being respectful person you will respect his/her own privacy to respect what you are.The Golden Rule says "Do unto others as you would have others than unto you."Therefore, I need someone that I can call my friend,is someone who didn't back fighter and "plastik".And also being a Godliness is the one of my positive charecteristics without this I shouldn't know the importance of all traits that i have because God gave our lives He also gave us a strength to solve what kind of problems you have.I am also flexible type of person because I can be a ballerina if you want (hehehhe yabang) actually I am the group leader because I can teach my member how to be a flexible person not only in the gymnast but also in good person. I can easily get along with someone like hanging up with my friends even we're just starting our beautiful friendship.So I believe that each of us has own imperfections, because we can't deny the fact that "no body's perfect".So I will have to accept and understand each one's mistake and weaknesses not to ignore them so that they'll accept and understand me as I am. And the last characteristic that I have mentioned is my sincerity. I am sincere in the things that I have to like in God, family, studies, friends, and love.

A. Given the following situations, how would you like to be treated by your teachers and schoolmates:

When you have given wrong answers to the questions during the recitation.

- I hope they will just say that, "It's okay, because everyone is entitled to make a mistake.Like the saying that Practice makes Perfect so don't be afraid if your answer is wrong because it will consider as a correct.

When you are expressing your opinion during class or group discussion.

- I hope they will respect my opinion or my ideas in group discussion.

When you are giving suggestions during your group work or presentation.

- I hope they will accept my suggestions not to ignore it because it can help me a lot of informations.

When you commit a mistake.

- I hope they will forgive me and understand because everyone has commiting a mistake and I believe that I am not a perfect person who should no mistakes in his/her life.

When you don't like doing what they ask you to do.

- I hope that they will understand and accept my reasons why I am not doing the thing that they ask me to do.Or kindly said, give us some informations.

When they want to give you their comments or suggestion.

- I hope they will say it in private and with a good manner.

B. Considering the given ideas on how to treat others with respect, what can you commit to yourself in terms dealing with MCL community: teachers, students, employees, security, maintenance/janitors and canteen personnel?

I will respect each of them at all times and I will avoid a conflicts dealing with the whole MCL community,because this can be reflect into your side on how you respect them.

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