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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Tenth Meeting Questions

Cite one experience wherein you have experienced negative peer pressure.

Well, I experience my negative peer pressure when my friends want them to take an alcoholic drinks. I use to do that because that is my birthday when I was start drinking alcoholic beverages,when i used that one, I feel so bothered because I didn't know that I have an allergy to take an alcoholic drinking this is the worst things I've ever do because my temptation was lost that day.I promise to myself that I will not drink alcoholic beverages anymore but someone tried to convince me to take that things.When the time is gone my mother was very disappointed to me because she knew that I'am taking an alcoholic drinks. She was afraid to me because she said that both father side and mother side have an disease when you are taking alcoholic drinks,so mostly my friends will not convince me anymore to take that things because of my mother approach my friends to don't do that things.

How did you react to it? Why?

I was very shocked because when I drunk too much alcohol I have a red spot in my whole body and in my face too.So I stop drinking alcohol beverages for my own sake and to maintain my good health.

How did you feel about your reaction/decision?

I feel comfortable with my decision because no one will convince me to take that thingd so they respect my privacy to avoid drinking alcohol drinks. And I decided that if somebody who convince me to take that things, I will not tolerate as his/her friends because this is my final decision to maintain my good health.

What have you learned/realized from your experience?

I've learned on this topic that if you are taking an alcoholic beverages there's a possibility to affect your good health so I realized to avoid on this things to make your life successful and a lot of happiness in your heart and mind.Because this is not the way to forget some problems that you ever take only FAITH and PRAY will save you for the worst things.

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